What does ESN mean to you ?

ESN is a one of a kind organization that supports exchange students during their period abroad. It is about students helping students. As ESN Yeditepe section, we are arranging many events and activities to achieve this goal and also we are trying to create some awareness with the management of the social inclusive projects. Moreover, while we are doing all these things, we are also improving our many skills such as international communication, time management, ability to work under pressure, enhancing creativity and multilingualism. All these examples motivate us to be a part of this family, ESN. With volunteering for ESN, we noticed that we are constantly surrounded by people from all over the world,  comes a lot of responsibilities, plenty of tasks and brainstorming all the time. We have to improve your translating skills, be patient and helpful. Our English is improving day by day and we are also learning the basics of some other languages with the help of exchange students. Being able to deal with all the stress is relevant experience that will help in our future working life. Brainstorming is an essential part of ESN: coming up with ideas for fun events, keeping students interested 24/7 and all of this requires a lot of creativity. We can develop our skills as a graphic designer, event manager, blogger, or even pass on your knowledge by organizing various workshops. These and many other valuable skills can be obtained from volunteering in ESN. These are what we are doing as ESN Yeditepe section and will not stop continuing our journey !

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Farewell Gala as a memory

We know that we all love the nights that we can’t remember, which we spent with people that we can never forget!  With this Farewell Gala, we had a chance to see each other all together one last time and took a look what we did and what we accomplished during whole semester and of course how we survived through every thick and thin! As ESN Yeditepe section, we had a special ceremony and surprise for some people who made through all ESN events, successes fully! It was a gala night so we all dressed as fancy as we could! We gave some Oscars for the categories like the most elegant, princess, rapper, sleeper, singer, enthusiastic and more of the semester. Every amazing adventure has an ending but memories may last. Here we were for making this goodbye event a night to remember!

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