As the ESN Turkey family, we are happy to announce that our first newsletter of the academic year of 2022 – 2023 has been released! At Erasmus Student Network, we really feel excited when we hear from each other as ESNers and also as different sections! In addition, we see our newsletters as a brief and descriptive summary of the question we hear the most: “What is this ESN? What do you do there?” and the inevitable follow-up: “How can I join, too?”
We still wonder about each other’s activities and feelings, even though we take meetings regularly. For this reason, we decided to create forms to gather the most important news from our local sections. Also, we prepared some specific questions for our ESNers. Then, we collected them. After the analysing process, finally, we selected the best ones for you to take a quick look at what is going on in the ESN Turkey sections!


The ESN Turkey Newsletter Has Been Released!

Our Education Officer Nazlı has created different forms for the sections, committees, National Board members, National Board Supporters, and the Board of Auditors, and for all of the ESNers and alumni network separately. So we can say that every single person in our community has contributed to this newsletter! Thanks to Akile Bilge and Sıla Aleyna for the sweet visuals in a concise time, here we are able to share our news with you. As a smooth start to our ESNinBusiness Coordinator Onur‘s SEO optimisation project, now we take things one step further by publishing it on our web page. It was a pleasure to hear from our family members for us- but we wonder, will you also like to hear from ESN Turkey?
Here you can see our teammates and their activities, thoughts, and strong structure when we act together. We feel the special sincerity of being an ESNer with our own capabilities. Here is our voice in a single breath, enjoy!