ALUMNI TALKS - Episode 2

We were back with one more episode of the Alumni Talks session, Alumni Talks – Episode 2. We held the online sessions (via Google Meet) with our dear Alumni about their memories in ESN and career topics. We are thankful to our alumni network who accepted our invitation.



In the first session of Alumni Talks 2, we hosted the 2017/2018 ESN Turkey Board Members! We talked about the projects that were organized by them, their memories in ESN and their advices to new ESNers.



On the 25th of June, at 21.00, we were back with one more episode of the Alumni Talks session which is related to our former ESNers' career and memories.

In this episode, Can Ozan Ilgürgen mentioned about Corporate Life, on the other hand, Recep Alparslan Ceylen shared his knowledge in Startup Life. It was a joyful one as well!



We were back with another amazing session of Alumni Talks to meet with our former ESNer Erdeniz Ünvan, the General Manager of Knowledge Club! At 21:00 on 1st of July, we talked about “The Future of Software and Network Technologies” along with Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, the importance of Phyton, network programming and many more. We were also learned about the times and events when he was the Treasurer of ESN International Board in 2008-2009!

You can find detailed information on the event page.